Insects are part of our ecosystems and are well integrated in the dynamics of forest landscapes. However, high-intensity episodes, known as outbreaks, can have strong negative impacts to host plants and, consequently to the wholeContinue reading
Tag: Forest Management
Putting Triad Forestry Into Practice: An interview with Christian Messier
This is the fourth report on functional zoning and the triad model of forest management based on interviews with experts in the field. My previous interviews with Dr. Bob Seymour and Dr. Clark Binkley focused onContinue reading
Triad Forest Management at the Heart of Elliot Research Forest
On December 8th, 2020 the Oregon State Land Board voted unanimously to move ahead with transferring ownership of the Elliot State forest (32,000 hectare) to Oregon State University. The decision came after reviewing a proposalContinue reading
Functional Zoning: An interview with Dr. Clark Binkley
This article is the second of a series, based on interviews with some of the most prominent researchers who have dedicated part of their careers to the question of how the forests landscape should beContinue reading
30 years of triad forestry: an interview with Dr. Robert Seymour
Recently, I’ve been meditating on the strengths and weaknesses of intensively managed plantations. I understand firsthand the incredible efficiency of plantation forestry to produce wood fiber; I worked nearly a decade in some of theContinue reading
Giant tree hunting and old-growth forest conservation in Vancouver Island
Temperate rainforests are magical ecosystems. In them trees grow tall, big, massive. It is not a coincidence that the tallest trees found on Earth are found in temperate rainforests, from the Coast Redwoods in California,Continue reading
Seeing and managing forests as functional complex networks – an interview with Christian Messier
In September 2017 I participated to a very dynamic field-week that took place in Tuscany, Italy. Here international students had the chance to discuss new concepts in forest management, such as viewing forest ecosystems asContinue reading
Forest power in Spain… and in Europe
Galicia cuts in a week more than in a whole year Canarias, Madrid and Murcia regions together. It achieves this despite the fact that 87% comes from smallholder plots. 47% of the total production inContinue reading
Were forests not taken seriously enough in the last IPCC 1.5° report?
The latest IPCC special report discusses the potential impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C and presents several pathways scenarios but without focusing much on the need of protecting and sustainably managing the forests weContinue reading
No more maple syrup?
Most of the time we tend to think about forests as sources of important ecosystem service such as timber, firewood, water regulation, carbon stock, biodiversity. But there is a very important (and very sweet!) serviceContinue reading