We are back on the million dollar question: how will our forests develop in this uncertain era of climate change? Yes, many study showed that changing climate might have strong impacts on the dynamics ofContinue reading
Tag: climate change
Are forest disturbances amplifying or canceling out climate change-induced productivity changes in European forests?
Title of this post comes directly from recently published research paper. The international team of specialists has recently provided an overview of forest productivity changes in different forest regions in Europe under climate change, and tried to divide theseContinue reading
Protected areas in the world’s ecoregions: How well connected are they?
Protected areas (PAs) are the main instrument for biodiversity conservation, which has triggered the development of numerous indicators and assessments on their coverage, performance and efficiency. The connectivity of the PA networks at a globalContinue reading
Forest-biodiversity-loss harms us all!
Researchers from 30 countries have collected and analyzed forest data set from 777,126 sample plots, located in 44 countries. In total, they measured over 30 million trees of 8,737 different species. The analyzed area represented the most terrestrial biomes, fromContinue reading
Global warming is due to sun’s radiation – NOT carbon emissions!
Physicist Ned Nikolov and retired meteorologist Karl Zeller developed a mathematical model that accurately predicts the surface temperature of rocky planets such as Mars, Venus or Moon. Scientists claim that model works also for Earth.Continue reading
Ecosystem services, mountain forests and climate change
When speculating on what is going to happen to our forests in an uncertain future, it is hard to generalize. Impacts on tree growth, regeneration and mortality due to climate change and other factors (e.g.,Continue reading