In this post, I would like to present my Master thesis, something different that we talk about in this blog. I worked for one year in a hydrological restoration project. Besides, it will be presentedContinue reading
Białowieża Forest in Poland – TRUE STORY!
The European Commission, a managing institution of the European Union, has reported Poland this month to the European Court of Justice, and has asked the court to impose measures requiring the Polish government to suspend loggingContinue reading
Forest workers will cry after seeing this
In these two short movies, you can observe how planting and weeding looks like in Finland. In many countries, such forest activities are performed manualy, and probably many forest workers would like to have suchContinue reading
Everglades National Park is not a swamp!
When I saw Everglades National Park first time, my impression was “What a swamp”! The park ranger told us that time that it is quite common impression among tourists coming to this beautiful, mysterious, andContinue reading
JOB ALERT: Senior Researcher at the EFI Bonn Office, Germany
Senior Researcher on Social Science Analysis of Natural Resource Management at the EFI Bonn Office, Germany The European Forest Institute (EFI) is an international organisation with 27 member countries and around 120 associate member organisations. Continue reading
Forest stands volume estimation by using Finnish Multi-Source National Forest Inventory
During my internship at European Forest Institute in Finland I had a chance to become familiar with Finnish method of forest stands volume estimation. The Finnish way of forest inventory was quite innovative in relationContinue reading
Why does New Zealand export sawn timber and logs to different markets?
In this post, Ivan Luketina is presenting the results of his research work. He is answering very important question, i.e. why does New Zealand export sawn timber and logs to different markets? If you want toContinue reading
Timberland Valuation Analyst at Weyerhaeuser
If you like to become a timberland valuation analyst at Weyerhaeuser – one of the biggest forest land owners in the United States, this position is just for you! Don’t hesitate and apply!
Early fire detection and monitoring with an exportable algorithm
Many satellite-based methods for fire detection and monitoring have been developed to exploit data acquired by sensors. Their relatively low temporal resolution (hours) is, however, decidedly not adequate for detecting short-living events or fires characterisedContinue reading
JOB ALERT: Research Fellow in carbon sequestration at AMC
The Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) seeks a Research Fellow to provide leadership to an emerging effort aimed at better understanding the potential uses for carbon sequestered in AMC’s forest lands. If you are interested inContinue reading