At the end of the year and the beginning of the new one, I have a great pleasure to share our blog statistics with you. The year 2018 was simply awsome for the Forest MonitorContinue reading
Climate change and carbon sequestration through reforestation
What if we could slow down global warming through reforestation? Newly planted tree seedlings are able to capture and long-term store huge amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide through the process known as carbon sequestration. ClimateContinue reading
Forest power in Spain… and in Europe
Galicia cuts in a week more than in a whole year Canarias, Madrid and Murcia regions together. It achieves this despite the fact that 87% comes from smallholder plots. 47% of the total production inContinue reading
DAAC HERMES company is restoring ecological balance in eastern Republic of Moldova
A unique European project named Vio-Parc Varnița financed by Daac Hermes S.A. company is aiming to create a microclimate near Nistru river, in eastern Republic of Moldova, thus trying to bring nature to its originsContinue reading
Were forests not taken seriously enough in the last IPCC 1.5° report?
The latest IPCC special report discusses the potential impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C and presents several pathways scenarios but without focusing much on the need of protecting and sustainably managing the forests weContinue reading
Cedar and Fir natural reserve in Syria
Human interference in natural ecosystems over the years caused a magnitude damage, the shocking numbers of threatened and extinct species, the decline of forests area, and many other examples are the best proof of theContinue reading
Private ownership, corruption and illegal logging in the forest sector – an interview with Prof. Laura Bouriaud
During the Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics conference that was held in Denmark this year, I had a big pleasure to meet Dr Laura Bouriaud from University Stefan cel Mare of Suceava (Romania). We haveContinue reading
Must-Attend Event: Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources 2019
I would like to strongly recommend the 18th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR) that will be held in Puerto Varas, Chile on March 3-7, 2019. I attended the SSAFR in 2015 in Uppsala (Sweden) andContinue reading
Will Forest Reference Levels limit harvests and wood industry development in the EU?
Recently, the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) adopted the draft report of the Committee’s Rapporteur, MEP Norbert Lins, on the regulation of Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF). The policyContinue reading
The symmetry of competition: does the battle take place above or below our feet?
In one of my previous posts I have already focused on the complex topic of competition among tree species. In that post I discussed the variability of species interactions (aka mixing effects) which depends onContinue reading