According to Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI), compared with previous period, around 679,000 tonnes of paper were sent for recycling outside Europe in 2015 (7.1 % increase). How this information is connected to circular economy in Europe?Continue reading
Sawmill and paper mill closures: How can a community prepare?
During the last decade the struggling Canadian forestry industry has been in steady decline with sawmills and paper mills having borne the brunt of recent closures. When a mill closes, the repercussions for a small northern Manitoba town can be nothing short of disastrous. The closure not only affects mill employees but the ensuing trickle-down effect has an impact on the entire community with far-reaching ramifications for contractors, secondary and tertiary workers. With the recent announcement that the Tolko paper mill will cease operations on December 2, 2016, again we’re faced with the age-old question: How can a community prepare for the potential loss of its primary employer?
Grow forests locally vs. buy foreign carbon credits? New Zealand will know!
The government in New Zealand attempts to examine what is cheaper, to increase forest planting locally or buy foreign carbon credits, in order to meet New Zealand’s climate change targets. Continue reading!
German sawmills dominate market in India
During January-July 2016, total import of softwood lumber in India, was equal to 252 000 m³. Among India’s main trading partners in North America and Europe, Germany become a dominant market player in India, with a share equal toContinue reading
Forest-biodiversity-loss harms us all!
Researchers from 30 countries have collected and analyzed forest data set from 777,126 sample plots, located in 44 countries. In total, they measured over 30 million trees of 8,737 different species. The analyzed area represented the most terrestrial biomes, fromContinue reading
Forest that stopped desert
The Saihanba Forest Farm was established in 1962, in order to block the southward movement of Hunshandak Sandland. After over 40-year effort, this green ecological barrier, in a significant way, helped to conserve water sourceContinue reading
Illegal teak from Myanmar floods EU
According to Non Governmental Organization – Environmental Investigations Agency (NGO-EIA), 9 companies from 5 EU countries had failed to meet the EU Timber Regulation, regarding a legal import of teak from Myanmar.
Optimal level of deforestation
The last part of the interview with prof. Hofstad from NMBU focuses on hopes for the future or REDD. If you have not read previous parts about degradation of REDD, you can find them here: PARTContinue reading
The EU as the world’s largest wood pellet market
A report recently published by the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service’s Global Agricultural Information Network provides an overview of the European Union’s biofuel, wood pellet market and biogas production. Without any doubts, the EU is the world’sContinue reading
The Faustmann Symposium was held this year in China
The Fifth International Faustmann Symposium was successfully held on October 17-21 October, 2016 in Beijing, China. Forest economists from over nine countries came to present their recent work, discuss recent findings and celebrate the next 167th anniversaryContinue reading