In 2015 pellet production capacity in Spain, distributed among 79 plants, was 1,250,000 tonnes, but production did not exceed 475,000, the 38%. It is one of the data obtained from the ENplus day: five yearsContinue reading
Brasil – land of milk, honey and pulp
New investments in Mato Grosso do Sul lift Brasil’s national pulp production from 7.4 up to 20.9 million metric tons. It means that Brazil will surpass the pulp production capacity in China and Canada, and will be onlyContinue reading
Protected areas save biodiversity worldwide
Species richness is 10.6% higher inside protected areas compared to areas outside. This result has been recently published by researches, under the leadership of Claudia Gray from University of Sussex (UK). Check out, what else has been found!
Timber harvests increased in the U.S. by 10% between 2011-2015
According to Wood Resources International LLC, timber harvests have increased in U.S. by 10%, mostly due to higher production of wood pellets, softwood lumber and hardwood lumber.
Wood market can save the chestnut
A study analyzes how forest owners react when a disease affects their forests, specifically the chestnut blight, a fungus that infects chestnut. The research, led by the Forest Technological Center of Catalonia, concludes that theContinue reading
A rise in US forestland thanks to Europe
According to US Forest Service scientists, demand for wood pellets in Europe, will lead to a rise in US forestland.
Plantations and tree breeding – an example from Hungary
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) was the first forest tree species introduced and acclimated from North America to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. It is a fast growing, nitrogen fixing, site tolerant,Continue reading
Word’s tallest wood building has 53 metres
Less than 70 days were needed before the wood structure was completed. The word’s tallest wood building has been completed for UBC’s Brock Commons student residence in Canada.
Are forest plantations sustainable?
A research led by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) proposes a methodology to establish a ranking of sustainability of the forest plantations that integrates the preferences of the agents.
Indian companies invest in Gabon
According to recent ITTO Tropical Timber Market (TTM) Report, three or four Indian plywood companies are considering setting up plants for the production of veneer in Gabon, which has become an attractive investment place for woodContinue reading