Researchers from four U.S. universities presented evidence that deforestation can be limited thanks to empowering local governments with forestry decisions. In order to make this happen, local forest users have to be actively engaged withContinue reading
Wood pellet market in the EU- recent findings
According to recently published AEBIOM report, in 2015, wood pellet consumption in the EU reached 20,3 million tonnes which represented 6 % of total solid biomass used in Europe. Not suprisingly due to ambitious EUContinue reading
Despite strong renewables policies, the EU is still highly dependent on imported fossil fuels!
Accoding to recently published AEBIOM Statistical Report, in 2014, the average EU-28 energy dependency was 53.4% and this share has been steadily increasing over the last two decades.
Illegal logging costs between 30 and 100 billion USD annualy
According to a joint report produced by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and INTERPOL, the illegal logging, by organized crime groups, is estimated to be worth between USD 30 and 100 billion annually.
FSC is calling the Schweighofer Group on the carpet
According to the Romania Journal, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has recently decided to place the Schweighofer group on probation period after voices that this company was involved in illegal logging operations in Romania.
New wildlife migration corridors can cut costs by over 75%
Scientists from U.S. have demonstrated recently a new technique for designing wildlife migration corridors, which is able to cut conservation costs by over 75%. Continue reading…
Tree rings indicate: World has been cooling for 2000 years
In 2012, an international team of scientists published a study, where they reconstructed climate in northern Europe for the past 2 000 years. For the first time, the cooling trend was calculated precisely. Read moreContinue reading
By 2017 Marocco will plant 4 milion trees
According to data from the University of Maryland, Morocco lost about 5% of its remaining dense tree cover between 2001 and 2014. On the other hand, Global Forest Watch reported recently large areas of tree cover gainContinue reading
Wrong people, bad results – an interview with professor Sun Joseph Chang
During the Fifth International Faustmann Symposium, I had a pleasure to listen a presentation, and meet personally professor Sun Joseph Chang, from Louisiana State University (USA). Professor Chang agreed for short interview, where we discussed,Continue reading
The death of the forest Beast
Besten (eng. the BEAST) system consists of driverless harvester controlled remotely from one or two forwarders (timber couriers). It was orginally invented in 2002. In 2006, Forestry Research Institute of Sweden (Skogforsk) conducted first research aboutContinue reading