This is the fourth report on functional zoning and the triad model of forest management based on interviews with experts in the field. My previous interviews with Dr. Bob Seymour and Dr. Clark Binkley focused onContinue reading
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Help to understand forestry and forest adaptation in the context of global change. Fill the SURVEY in!
A team headed by Klaus Puettmann (Oregon State University, USA), Austin Himes (Mississippi State University, USA), and Jürgen Bauhus (Freiburg University, Germany) is investigating the global information base for forest management (specifically silviculture) in theContinue reading
Triad Forest Management at the Heart of Elliot Research Forest
On December 8th, 2020 the Oregon State Land Board voted unanimously to move ahead with transferring ownership of the Elliot State forest (32,000 hectare) to Oregon State University. The decision came after reviewing a proposalContinue reading
Functional Zoning: An interview with Dr. Clark Binkley
This article is the second of a series, based on interviews with some of the most prominent researchers who have dedicated part of their careers to the question of how the forests landscape should beContinue reading
Should we use more wood to combat climate change?
Wood: Nature’s carbon capture and storage technology Wood is a pretty amazing material. It has superb engineering qualities and it literally grows on trees. It is one of the few renewable construction materials we have.Continue reading
International Forest Business Conference: 7-8 DECEMBER 2020, POLAND
Forest Business Analytics will organize the second edition of the International Forest Business Conference (#IFBC2020) between 7th and 8th December 2020 in the Sheraton Sopot Hotel, Poland. The main theme for the IFBC2020 is: “New ForestContinue reading
PhD student in Forest Management/Forest Operations wanted!!!
Would you like to become a PhD student in Forest Management and Forest Operations in Sweden? From my experience, Sweden is among the best countries to study forestry-related subjects, so don’t hesitate and apply – theContinue reading
PhD scholar on REDD+ drivers, reference levels and incentives at CIFOR
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is looking for PhD scholar on REDD+ drivers, reference levels and incentives.
By 2017 Marocco will plant 4 milion trees
According to data from the University of Maryland, Morocco lost about 5% of its remaining dense tree cover between 2001 and 2014. On the other hand, Global Forest Watch reported recently large areas of tree cover gainContinue reading
Wood market can save the chestnut
A study analyzes how forest owners react when a disease affects their forests, specifically the chestnut blight, a fungus that infects chestnut. The research, led by the Forest Technological Center of Catalonia, concludes that theContinue reading