What if we could slow down global warming through reforestation? Newly planted tree seedlings are able to capture and long-term store huge amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide through the process known as carbon sequestration. ClimateContinue reading
Author: Sorin Schiop
DAAC HERMES company is restoring ecological balance in eastern Republic of Moldova
A unique European project named Vio-Parc Varnița financed by Daac Hermes S.A. company is aiming to create a microclimate near Nistru river, in eastern Republic of Moldova, thus trying to bring nature to its originsContinue reading
Grafting conifers legacy-where the beauty of nature meets the artistry of man
As a tree nursery forester, I am always in search of new ways of improving my work and conifer grafting is undoubtedly the most noble and inspiring of them all. It combines dendrology knowledge, seedlingContinue reading
Conifer seedling production in a Romanian tree nursery
Worldwide, conifer growers work hard every season to supply the best quality seedlings for reforestation or landscaping industry. In the last decades, greenhouse and nursery techniques of growing conifers are developing constantly, both for familyContinue reading
“Clever reforestation” could cope with climate change in Romanian conifer forests
The conifer forests, relics of extinct civilizations, silent witnesses of the planets’ evolution, have changed the face of continents over millions of years and transformed the ancient arid soils into the fertile lands we knowContinue reading