The Brazilian Tree Industry (Ibá) registers a cumulative surplus of US$ 6 billion (+2.3%) as of November 2016.
Month: December 2016
The distribution of forest ownership in Europe
About 28% of Europe’s forests (including the European Part of Russia) is privately owned, while the rest (72%) are in public ownership. Nevertheless, when looking at particular regions of Europe, the share of privately ownedContinue reading
Evolution for Forest Engineering in Spain
Forest engineering in Spain has a long tradition and active presence in the engineering field. It is also one of the first educational institutions that shaped the Spanish technological panorama in the mid nineteenth century.Continue reading
JOB ALERT: Associate Professor/Professor in forest economics and/or forest policy in Norway!
The Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant permanent position as Associate Professor or Professor in forest economics and/or forest policy.
Great Course in Innovation Systems in the Bioeconomy
The aim of this course is to provide a systematic overview of innovation, innovation systems, and their role in industrial transformation to the bioeconomy. Innovation is the necessary ingredient for successful transition of existing companiesContinue reading
How decentralized policies can help to reduce deforestation?
Researchers from four U.S. universities presented evidence that deforestation can be limited thanks to empowering local governments with forestry decisions. In order to make this happen, local forest users have to be actively engaged withContinue reading
Wood pellet market in the EU- recent findings
According to recently published AEBIOM report, in 2015, wood pellet consumption in the EU reached 20,3 million tonnes which represented 6 % of total solid biomass used in Europe. Not suprisingly due to ambitious EUContinue reading
Despite strong renewables policies, the EU is still highly dependent on imported fossil fuels!
Accoding to recently published AEBIOM Statistical Report, in 2014, the average EU-28 energy dependency was 53.4% and this share has been steadily increasing over the last two decades.
Illegal logging costs between 30 and 100 billion USD annualy
According to a joint report produced by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and INTERPOL, the illegal logging, by organized crime groups, is estimated to be worth between USD 30 and 100 billion annually.
FSC is calling the Schweighofer Group on the carpet
According to the Romania Journal, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has recently decided to place the Schweighofer group on probation period after voices that this company was involved in illegal logging operations in Romania.