When speculating on what is going to happen to our forests in an uncertain future, it is hard to generalize. Impacts on tree growth, regeneration and mortality due to climate change and other factors (e.g.,Continue reading
Month: September 2016
Degradation of REDD – interview with prof. O.Hofstad
In this post, I interviewed prof. Ole Hofstad from Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). We discuss issues such as degradation of REDD Program, hopes for its future or illegal logging issues. The interview will be publishedContinue reading
Does EU destroy forests in Southeast U.S?
The European Commission proposal is to maintain the EU’s position as a world leader in renewable energy and the EU has declared it would use wood from sustainable sources only. Fast growing conditions, abundant forestContinue reading
Greatest challenges for forest robots
Automation is imminent. More and more daily tasks are being conducted by machines/computers in many disciplines where a certain autonomy is being allowed to the machine, yet still in many cases hampered by regulations. ReadContinue reading
Trees call for water when they are thirsty
When we are dehydrated, it means that our bodies do not have enough water to carry out normal tasks. Then thirst is appearing as the main symptom. To the other symptoms of dehydration, we canContinue reading
Fight illegal timber production, not consumption!
Would it be better to eliminate illegal timber consumption or production? Which one is better for the whole forest sector? Researchers from China tried to answer these questions in their recently published article. Check what theyContinue reading
CO2 fertilizes forests around the globe
The contribution of CO2 fertilization to the future global Carbon cycle has been uncertain, especially in forest ecosystems. This uncertainty may significantly affect climate change predictions. Researchers from the USA, under the leadership of RichardContinue reading
The Internet harms global demand for paper products
The Internet together with other information and communication technologies, such as personal computers and cellular phones, have provided an electronic alternative to newspapers and printed materials in recent decades. Researchers from the United States examinedContinue reading